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Hot brass can be damned painful, no matter where it lands…but cleavage (i.e. hot brass down in a bra or a top) can be particularly discomfiting. Maybe worse than getting it stuck between your body armor and your neck.
Which is saying something. (Note: just scroll on down if you want to skip all this and get to the good stuff.)
On the other hand, “hot brass” is also a really good term for good lookin’ and/or tactically proficient females who throw lead downrange.
As an example, we’d like to introduce into evidence Emily Larsen, aka @lockandloadem.
…plus of course, @riflenumber13.
Now some background so we can get enough words to attract search engine algorithm attention.
Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, has been around since before the Abyssinians. Other than brass balls, however, the best thing it’s ever been used for is ammo.
Brass is by far the most common material used to make cartridges in the world today, but it can be very hot when ejected — hence the term hot brass. That’s why you should avoid a low cut shirt (ladies) and consider wearing a hat (everyone) when on the range.
Unless you have this guy with you of course.
The self-contained brass cartridge began to replace paper cartridges in the late 19th century, making its appearance largely as a result of the percussion cap. It made the breach-loading rifle, with all its advantages, practical. As early as 1812 a man named Samuel J. Pauly had patented a cartridge incorporating a metal base with a cavity for detonating powder and a striker to ignite it. The 1858 (French) Schneider cartridge utilized paper and brass, but the days of paper cartridges were numbered.
“By expanding slightly during firing, the cartridge sealed the breach, preventing the escape of gas and powder fragments that endangered the user and eroded the mechanism. Moreover, by incorporating propellant, projectile, and primer in a sealed water tight container, the brass cartridge made possible the repeating magazine rifle, the auto-loading, or semi-automatic, pistol and rifle; and the machine gun.” Cowley-Parker, Reader’s Companion to Military History
Brass cartridges became increasingly common during the latter half of the 1800s, and, by 1900 or so, most modern military institutions around the world had gone to bolt action rifles firing lead projectiles from a necked down brass cartridge.
Now, past stories and exemplars.
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